Hawaii Real Estate Links: Where to Find Everything You Need
January 29, 2023
Ascend Pacific has compiled this list of the links we use that will save you time and help you accomplish your goals. Contact us anytime. We'll achieve your real estate goals, bigger and faster together.
Investopedia link 10 things to know about tax-deferred 1031 exchange Trade, not sell your investment property with no tax upon transfer. There are multiple variations of actual strategy, but these are the basics.
Homeowner's Exemption Pull up to $500,000 equity out of a principal residence occupied at least the last two out of five years completely tax free, dependent on marital status and equity thresholds.
Capital Gains IRS publication 544, sales and disposition of other assets. Sometimes the best thing to do to maximize ROI is to pay the tax and move the equity to another project or financial instrument. Careful analysis and due diligence is vital throughout this process.
Further description, IRS Summary of Capital Gains treatment Topic No. 409 Capital Gains and Losses
eCourt* Kokua Resource for foreclosure records, traffic citations and almost any legal filing in the State of Hawaii.
Department of Planning and Permitting (DPP) Determine the status of a permit on a particular piece of property as an important part of due diligence and creating the “highest and best use” plan. Includes any notices of violation, who filed it, which contractors were involved and other details in the city and county of Honolulu.
Professional & Vocational Licensing Search | Department of Commerce & Consumer Affairs (DCCA) Establish whether a contractor, real estate broker or agent has an active license, insurance and other requirements in place with the State of Hawaii, Department of Commerce & Consumer Affairs.
Business Registration | Division, Department of Commerce & Consumer Affairs (DCCA) Determine if a business is properly licensed in the State of Hawaii.
GE Tax License Search Lookup and manage your State General Excise tax license numbers.
Register a Business This is a one-stop site to initiate opening a business in Hawaii, as well as manage other governance issues with the State. Requires a registration.
Business Filing (BB-1 Form) This is the actual PDF form required by the state required to register a business. Good to review to compile the information required when submitting docs online, of course you can opt to submit a hard copy with this form as well.
GE Filing Information A State-sponsored FAQ on common General Excise Tax questions. Frequently first-time investors have a ton of basic questions that can be answered here.
These sites give background information to prepare your home for sale, can also be used by buyers for due diligence.
Developer's public reports Access to biennial condominium and project reports with information like Public report number, owner occupant ratio, and board management information.
Schools Map Look up school districts by property address.
Docutrieve Order condominium documents.
Condocerts Order condominium documents.
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) Tool to see if a property is located in a rural or underserved area.
Hawaii Mortgage Rates Hi Central Tool to see the latest mortgage rates in Hawaii.
Mortgage Calculator
Date Calculator
FHFA Conforming Loan Limits for 2022 Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) 2022 loan limits information.
There are different phases of properties in distress; some of these sites are good for one type of content, but redundant for others. Generally, don’t rely on these for judicial foreclosure auction information or information you can find in MLS.
These are properties that have begun the foreclosure process, but have not completed the sale yet. These are generally the same classification of properties. There is no “one stop source” that captures all properties in each stage. Also, this is judicial process specific (the method of foreclosure in Hawaii does change from time to time).
Department of Treasury auctions
These are laws at the State, County and administrative level. Hawaii is one of the few states that allow agencies to change rules at the administrative level. It can affect you and rules can change quickly. In our experience we have found it best to actually refer to the law before forming our position on our procedural handling.
Real Estate Specific Administrative Rules, Title 16, chapter 99
Link to Legislature/Hawaii Revised Statutes
Browse Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS)
Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS) Table of Contents
Revised Ordinances of Honolulu
Land Use Ordinance Rules about how you can use a piece of property. It is long, look for the master use table, starting on page 62.
Landlord Tenant Code This is actually the summary of rules including performance timelines for owners and tenants.
Honolulu County Administrative Rules
COVID 19 Rules for Hawaii and Honolulu County
Governor's Emergency Proclamations
Mayor of Honolulu Proclamations, Orders and Rules
State of Hawaii COVID-19 Data Dashboards
State Map with Tax Map Key Layer
Puna Subdivision and Lava Flows Look up Lava zones. It’s not as bad as you might think, good for determining insurance rate and costs.
Wetlands Mapper| U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Look up data, information, & maps on the surrounding wetlands
USDA Multifamily Eligibility Map
2018 State Tax Table The latest one available as of this publishing.
2020 IRS 1040 instructions and tax table (PDF)
Foreign Investor Real Property Tax Act (FIRPTA) A withholding at closing imposed on the BUYER of Hawaii real estate to ensure the Seller, who is likely a foreign national pays the taxes due on the sale. Filing an exemption is possible dependent on timing.
Hawaii Real Property tax Act (HARPTA) A withholding at closing imposed on the BUYER of Hawaii real estate to ensure the Seller, who is likely a non-Hawaii resident, pays the taxes due on the sale. Filing an exemption is possible dependent on timing.
State of Hawaii Real Property Tax Rate Tables
State of Hawaii Tax Rate Schedule
2022 Tax Brackets & Federal Income Tax Rates
Emotional Service Animal Guidance
Parcel and Zoning map Initial due diligence, Map for Parcels and zoning.
Map for sewer Shows manholes, mains and laterals.
Construction If you require a permit, this brochure, distributed by the department of planning and permitting, makes the requirement somewhat clear. There are lots of exceptions, so it is always best to consult with a professional.
Remodeling Happiness Factor If you are remodeling for your own benefit, rather than increasing the value of the property, happiness, not return on investment, is the reward.
Presentation on State Land Use and Permitting A fairly comprehensive PowerPoint presentation on navigating permitting approvals. State and all counties included.
Department of Planning and Permitting Organizational Chart Here you will find detailed information on who to reach for various functions within the agency.
Permit Information This is a private company that researches permit records for you. Quite extensive and reasonably priced.
Audit of Department of Planning and Permitting (November 2019) This is an article, depicting current background of current state of the agency.
Biennial Registration Form for AOAO’s Condominium associations register their association documents every two years. This is where they do it.
Kaka'ako & Ala Moana Condo Guide A guide to all existing and pre-development condos in Kaka'ako and Ala Moana.
Rural Development Guaranteed Rural Rental Housing Program A loan option for the construction, acquisition or rehabilitation of rural multifamily properties through the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).
HECO Customer Interconnection Tool Where to check on the status of your system’s interconnection agreement approval through Hawaiian Electric.(Secure login, account required-use icon).
Federal Solar Tax Credit Schedule Federal credits are on a reduction plan, this is the time table.
State Energy Incentive Programs Available Check on State credit and other benefits of solar energy, including financing and grants.
Solar Locational Value Maps Check your home’s eligibility for solar by address.
Interconnection Agreement Options Offered by the Utility for Private Residences Determine which interconnection agreement (contract with the utility) is for me?
Albert Joy maximizes profit for real estate and business opportunities in Hawaii. Learn more about Albert. Watch the video below.

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